AGPAL: Quality in Practice
Recognising and rewarding Quality: in practice
Medeco Medical Centre
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If you have any flu like symptoms please contact us by phone prior to making a booking or visiting the medical centre.

Please be patient when you are attempting to contact the practice as reception staff are dealing with an unprecedented number of enquiries.

Please show respect and understanding when dealing with the reception staff as the Practice cannot tolerate rudeness or aggression towards them as they are only performing their role as required by your Doctor and Practice guidelines.

We thank you for your understanding and co-operation.

cheerful doctors


This authority is available to you if you wish to make a formal complaint on the medical treatment you have received. It is important for you to note that you must attempt to address your issue with the medical practitioner in the first instance. The following describes the usual flow of the complaint system:

  1.  Talk to the receptionist
  2.  If you feel your concerns have not been addressed, please write to:
    The Manager of Operations
    Medeco Medical Centre
    535 High St
    PENRITH NSW 2750
  3.  If you require further assistance, or you feel your complaint has not been meet with an adequate response, contact the Health Care Complaints Commission (HCCC) on the below details.
    Locked Bag 18,
    Strawberry Hills 2012
    PH:(02) 9219 7444 or 1800 043 159 Toll Free.
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